
BB止痛糖水-苦中一點甜24% oral sucrose

一邊傳來絕望的叫聲屎袋漏咗呀然後同事叫道俾定啲甜甜嚟呀,指的就是24%sucrose(24%蔗糖溶液)。當BB要面對短暫痛楚的程序例如傷口拆線,更換stoma bag,ROP(眼睛檢查)等...我地就會俾啲甜甜佢地食,這些甜甜的糖水BB來說具有效的止痛作用!

Peripheral line insertion
ROP eye examination

有人會話BB唔會識痛或會忘記痛,但其實BB的痛楚感受器早在母體second trimester已經成熟BB感受痛楚同成人無異!BB未必懂得表達痛楚感覺,但這些感覺有機會延遲康復時間,並影響日後腦部發展,所以有必要給予止痛方法!"Pain of True Love is like a Baby crying.It knows for what it cries,but it doesn't know to express it in Words."

"Pain Of True Love Is Like A Baby Crying. It Knows For What It Cries. But It Doesn't Know To Express It In Words"

早於1990年已有多份研究顯示在進行短暫痛楚程序前讓初生兒食糖水可以減低痛楚,效用最高峰在2分鐘,並維持5-8分鐘!此後蔗糖溶液成為常用非藥物止痛方法暫時並無研究全面解釋背後理論,其中一個較多人支持的是甜的感覺令下丘腦(hypothalamus釋出更多安多朌β-Endorphin )endorphin  endogenous opioid receptor結合,抑制痛楚的感覺
Endorphin makes you feel good~

係咪每個BB都俾得24% oral sucrose 

懷疑NEC, TEF, 口部吞嚥問題oral dysfunction Mother, baby on methadone(美沙酮),因為medthadone會搶先block opioid receptor,降低endorphin作用

點俾24% sucrose?

喺做痛楚程序前2分鐘會用一次性的24%sucrose逐滴滴落BB口度,再俾奶咀佢啜, work架!食完一滴甜甜已經唔喊
One of the brands of 24% sucrose

Beuno, M.,Yamada, J., Harrison, D., Khan, S., Ohlsson, A.,Adams-Webber, T., Beyene, J., and Stevens, B. (2013). A systematic review and meta-analyses of non-sucrose sweet solutions for pain relief in neonates. Pain Research Management. 2013; 18(3): 151-163.
Elserafy, F. A., Alsaedi, S. A., Louwrens, J., Sadiq, B. B., & Mersal, A. Y. (2009). Oral sucrose and a pacifier for pain relief during simple procedures in preterm infants: a randomized controlled trial. Annals of Saudi medicine29(3), 184.
Mysels, D. J., & Sullivan, M. A. (2010). The relationship between opioid and sugar intake: review of evidence and clinical applications. Journal of opioid management, 6(6), 445.
sweet taste activate endogenous opioid system , siilar with the opioid anaglesic

