
Postanesthetic shivering (PAS)麻醉藥引起顫抖反應@小兒科不小兒科 Babbling from a PICU Nurse

今日喺recovery area 工作(就係病人做完OT出嚟抖下,觀察一段時間,情況穩定先送返上病房嘅地方)
話說見到個病人做完一個under GA(全身麻醉)嘅手術,嚟到recovery話突然好震,越震越利害,但BP,HR normal. 跟住我諗一定係OT地方凍啦❄❄❄let it go let it go can't hold it back anymore

原來PAS GA後常見嘅反應(大概40%病人出現, 雖然cause unknown,但某啲theory話包括麻醉藥會block咗身體thermoregulating response令身體不作出保溫的反應例如周邊血管收縮vasoconstriction,減少流汗等......即係keep 唔到體溫keep 唔到體溫另一方面亦會將thermal set point 推高,令到身體以為好凍(即使係normal temp),就不停shivering增加熱能
但對於有心事❤❤❤嘅病人就唔好啦,因為增加咗oxygen demand, heart muscle workload

第一時間保暖,送隻啤啤🐻佢歎(Bair hugger bair😂😂),係利用一部機吹暖氣入薄墊俾patient蓋住。

其實有啲藥外國會用嚟control PAS, 主要係減低shivering threshold令身體可以tolerate低啲嘅溫度。有研究顯示IV panadol(必利痛)可以有效預防開刀生仔出現的PAS ondansetron(用嚟止嘔嘅藥)都可以減少PAS不過儘量能夠唔用藥嘅,都係用咗warm blanket,啤啤熊先😊😊
Gholami, A. S., & Hadavi, M. (2016). Prophylactic intravenous paracetamol for prevention of shivering after general anesthesia in elective cesarean section. Journal of Obstetric Anaesthesia and Critical Care6(2), 81.
Sessler, D. I. (2016). Perioperative thermoregulation and heat balance. The Lancet387(10038), 2655-2664.
Tie, H. T., Su, G. Z., He, K., Liang, S. R., Yuan, H. W., & Mou, J. H. (2014). Efficacy and safety of ondansetron in preventing postanesthesia shivering: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. BMC anesthesiology14(1), 12.

